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09 Dec


The Australian media landscape revolution

The number of journalists is plummeting and the number of PR practitioners is soaring. What does this mean for businesses trying to boost their media coverage>

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05 Dec


There is no such thing as “off the record”

As a number of world leaders recently discovered, there is no such thing as off the record.

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02 Dec

Story telling

Learning what stories you have to tell

Over the last few weeks, Media-Wize has conducted several media training workshops with clients. And while those clients have learned a lot about becoming better spokespeople

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26 Aug


Avoiding the journalist’s DEL key

With journalists receiving dozens of press releases and story pitches each day, the key that’s most likely to wear out on their keyboards is DEL.

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07 Aug

Business Tips

Why Every Brand Needs A Gifted Spokesperson

In his part manifesto-part autobiography titled On Writing, Stephen King said that not everyone can be a brilliant writer. But with effort, everyone could be a

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22 Jul


How to make the journalist’s life easier

Despite the massive amount of content that’s produced and published these days, the number of journalists is dwindling. That means fewer people are doing more work

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29 Jan


Be prepared to succeed with the media

Doing your homework for interviews and preparing your facts are critically important for a media spokesperson. This is why media training, conducted every two years is

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